Christmas Gifts He'll Love Because It's Truly the Thought That Counts ...


Christmas Gifts He'll Love Because It's Truly the Thought That Counts ...
Christmas Gifts He'll Love Because It's Truly the Thought That Counts ...

Looking for some Christmas gifts your guy will love? Are you stressing over what to give HIM for Christmas? This list should solve all of your problems. Whether you pick one, many or all, he will LOVE it. Men seem to be a little like children on Christmas. How his face will light up when he sees these Christmas gifts your guy will love from you.

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1. An inside Joke?

Give a related gift about it, something only the two of you would know about.

2. Cook or Bake for Him

Make him a batch of cookies or a pan of lasagna. Like the saying goes, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach!

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3. Make a Unique Music Mix

Make it personal. He'll think of you everytime he listens.

4. Sexy Aftershave and Lotion

He can replace what his "ex" smelled. Yummy to smell when cuddling. (This might be YOUR gift!)

5. A Bottle of Wine

You just might want to give him this on Christmas Eve, underneath the tree with dimmed lights and soft music.

6. A Nice Watch

You don't have to buy him a Rolex! Timex is just as nice, if even better.

7. A New Toy

For example, a new camera!

8. Boxers and Lounge or Jammy Pants

Buy cute ones for him to chill out in.

9. A Wine or Beer Glass

Even guys need a little bling bling.

10. Cap, Gloves, Scarf, and Winter Boots

He'll feel warm when you are not around.

11. A Traditional Flannel

A man can never have too many flannels!

Most of all, give him a hug and a kiss. It doesn't cost money and comes from the heart. It is so big that it cannot even be wrapped. Wouldn't that be the best Christmas present ever?
